Doctor of Fine Arts Programme in Cinema and TelevisionGeneral DescriptionThe Doctor of Fine Arts Programme in Cinema and Television is a programme in ‘‘Fine Arts’’.The Programme involves a thesis study which focuses on the production process of an original film. The Programme aims to create an academic opportunity in the field of Cinema and Television, and make contributions to the field with the help of individuals who specialise in the Cinema sector in terms of Art, Communication, and Aesthetics, and who improve themselves.FoundationThe Programme began to provide postgraduate education in 2010, and produced graduates who work at universities and in the sector. Degrees OfferedDoctor of Fine Arts Degree in Cinema and TelevisionCycleThird cycle / EQF 8 (DFA)Admission and Registration RequirementsTo apply for the DFA Programme, candidates must hold a bachelor’s and a master’s degree diploma, and candidates who apply with their master’s diploma, and are graduates of the departments other than those of the Faculty of Fine Arts, or other equivalent departments, and graduates of conservatoires must submit their copy of the ALES score, which must be at least 55 of verbal weight, and the minimum score is set by the Senate (The required ALES score for those candidates who apply with their bachelor’s diploma must be at least 80.). Candidates who apply for the Programme with their bachelor’s diploma must have a GPA of at least 3 out of 4, or equivalent. For candidates who apply for the Programme with their master’s diploma, the applications may be evaluated according to their ALES score as well as their score they obtain from their interview/special talent examination/portfolio, and the GPA from their master’s degree studies. The Senate specifies the required application documents such as letters of references, a letter explaining why the applicant wishes to enrol in the PhD Programme, the copies of the international standard exams, etc. c For the admission to the PhD Programme, students must take a centrally held foreign language proficiency exam or any international exam recognised as an equivalent by the Council of Higher Education, and take at least 55 points from the foreign language proficiency exam, or equivalent points from an equivalent international exam. According to the Programme requirements, the minimum points required may be increased upon the Senate’s decisions. The Senate decides how much the ALES scores are taken into consideration during the evaluation process (The percentage determined cannot be less than 50%). The Institute may admit students only according to their ALES scores. The copy of the ALES score is not required for the admission to the conservatoires or the departments of Fine Arts, unless the Senate decides to admit students according to their ALES scores.Recognition of Prior LearningIn accordance with Article 10 of the Regulation on Beykent University’s Postgraduate Education and Training, students are admitted to the programmes at Institutes through horizontal transfer provided that they meet the requirements for horizontal transfer, which are determined by the Academic Board upon the Institute Administrative Board’s decision, and the Head of the Department’s opinion. Students submit a letter of application by means of which they request to be exempt from certain courses within the same postgraduate programme of Beykent University as the courses of the postgraduate programme of another university they had enrolled in before. Their application including the course contents and transcripts will be evaluated upon the Institute Administrative Board’s decision, considering the opinion of the Head of the Department, and the Board will decide which courses the students took will be awarded credits for the courses they must take within the Programme they have recently enrolled. The courses students took at the university they attended may be recognised as the elective or compulsory courses with the Institute Administrative Board’s approval.Competence Requirements and Rules6 years, 2 terms in each year, 15 weeks in each term, 240 ECTS in total.Programme DescriptionThe DFA Programme in Cinema and Television enable students to build a foundation for their prospective academic career in Art and Aesthetics of Filmmaking. The Programme aims that the students will have improved themselves through the theoretical and applied courses, and produced original and innovative works, by the time they graduate. The aim is to cultivate the students into future academicians and managers who gained a global perspective, and equip them with cultural knowledge, skills, and competences. The academic staff consists of four professors, and five assistant professors. The students can use the TV studio, and the library.Learning OutcomesStudents will be able to:Carry out advanced level research in Arts, Culture, and Visual Arts, make decisions, gain the advanced level evaluation skills in these fields.Gain proficiency in presenting a research paper in accordance with the rules.Use their knowledge of aesthetics, history, and practices of the Art of Filmmaking.Acquire advanced knowledge of World Cinema, and Turkish Cinema, benefit from new techniques, and present them.Analyse the production process, aesthetics, history, and culture of a film critically.Have advanced knowledge of film production and distribution in the Cinema and Television sector.Have advanced knowledge and interdisciplinary interaction, and communication skills in Art to analyse cultural and technical codes in other fields of Art such as Photography, Literature, Theatre, Music, Painting, Drawing, etc.Acquire the working discipline.Be highly sensitive to the subjects regarding race, religion, politics, statuses, processes, and attitudes of social groups.Have an excellent command in a foreign language to carry out their research.Career OpportunitiesGraduates of the DFA Programme in Cinema and Television can work as academicians as well as working as specialists in the sector, as senior managers, etc. Facebook'ta Paylaş Twitter'da Paylaş LinkedIn'de Paylaş E-posta Gönder Whatsapp'ta Paylaş